Found His Balls Made America Have Balls Again

past Irena Kavas (author)
Rachel Barton (co-author, editor)
London, Britain
Published on 14go.9.2016 – Latest update 22.9.2016

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Mythical Origins of Golf Ball (and the Game of Golf)
  3. Featherie
  4. Gutta Percha Ball (The Guttie)
  5. Rubber-Wound Golf game Ball
  6. Modern Golf game Brawl
  7. A Glance into the Time to come
  8. Footnotes
  9. References

Introduction to the history of golf assurance

A golf game ball is central to the game of golf game. In fact, golf is all about the ball. Well, getting it into the hole in the ground. All the fuss surrounding the right posture, swinging technique, proper grip, etc. is really all almost hitting the ball at the right bending, sending it the right distance and concluding only non to the lowest degree to command its management, speed and rotation. And while most golfers are aware of the influence of golf clubs on their performance, merely a few understand how the selection of the ball affects the game, or about the history of golf game assurance in full general. And fifty-fifty fewer golfers know that the ball has been responsible for quite a few revolutions in golf. According to John F. Hotchkiss (1997), the author of one of the virtually acclaimed books on the history of the golf ball, the latter revolutionised the game at least four times.

Mythical origins of the golf brawl (and the game of golf)

The pop story goes, that the first golf brawl was a simple rounded stone that was hit by a bored shepherd using his cheat. Past pure luck, the stone ended upwards in a hole in the ground, encouraging the shepherd to repeat his "success" by trying to hit more stones in the hole. He establish the newly invented game agreeable and equally he got better at it, he asked his friends to join him. And that's how golf is supposed to have been born. Unfortunately, at that place is no historical show for this story and we volition probably never know who invented the game of golf and when golf was invented.

At that place is a general agreement that golf originates from medieval Scotland, only a game involving the use of a stick and ball predates the Middle Ages for several centuries. Some authors trace the origins of golf game to the Roman stick and ball game chosen paganica which is believed to be played as early equally the 1st century BC and may have been spread by the Romans to areas of Northern Europe including Britain.1 two But there is a problem with this version of the story likewise. First, at that place is no written or pictorial bear witness of paganica, so we don't really know whether this Roman game is the precursor of the modern game of golf game.iii According to some authors, it was probably more similar to hockey rather than golf.iv

Photo credit: "King James 2 of Scotland" credit to National Galleries

A Dutch game known equally kolven or kolf that was played with a stick and leather brawl at to the lowest degree since the 13th century is by most authors seen equally the most probable precursor of golf although there is also evidence of a similar game being played in People's republic of china during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).v 6 In add-on, the merits to the "invention" of golf has also been laid past the French. This claim is largely based on a late 14th century analogy depicting 2 individuals playing a golf-similar game. Nonetheless, they could likewise exist playing kolven or And and so at that place is besides the British game known as cambuca, which was played in the 14th century with a small wooden ball and a mallet.viii Only as Hotchkiss notes, the game came to be chosen gowf, goff and eventually, golf game simply when the players started hitting the brawl with an aim to become information technology into the hole in the footing. And by the fourth dimension that happened, the game was very much established in Scotland.9

The thought for a golf-like game may have come from elsewhere just modernistic golf game was born in Scotland.10 Past the mid-15th century, it became so pop that it had to be banned by the Act of Parliament in 1457 for interfering with archery practice which was seen vital for national defence.xi The ban, however, didn't work which clearly indicates the fact that it had to exist repeated past the successors of Rex James Two of Scotland (r. 1437-1460), James Iii (r. 1460-1488) and James Four (r. 1488-1513) in 1471 and 1491, respectively.12 Interestingly, the ban was ignored even past His Majesty James Iv who is known to take been an enthusiastic golfer.thirteen

The beginning golf game ball in history was known as a Featherie

Data almost the early history of golf game balls is unfortunately very scarce. Co-ordinate to well-nigh authors who investigated the early history of golf ball,14 15 16 17 the first assurance (if we ignore the story nigh the shepherd and stones) were probably made of wood, most likely beech, boxroot and similar hardwoods. Nosotros know that the commencement record of a sold golf ball dates from 1452,xviii while the starting time feather ball known as the featherie was introduced only in the early 17th century.

In 1618, a golf ball maker James Melvill from St. Andrews succeeded to get a 21-year monopoly from King James VI and I (r.1567-1625), granting him an exclusive right to make golf balls. Featheries which didn't include his bench mark were to exist confiscated. At the aforementioned time, the King imposed an embargo on strange plumage assurance. During the early "featherie era", the best balls were made by the Dutch and their featheries were extremely popular in Scotland too.xix

Until the mid-19th century, the featherie was the standard golf ball. It was made of cow or horsehide which was blimp with feathers; most oftentimes goose feather. The leather, in order to be easier to work with, was soaked in water. The feathers that were forced into the ball by using a specially designed crutch-handled filling rod20 were soaked too. Later the ball was carefully paw sewn together, it was left to dry. While the leather shrank, the feathers expanded, which made the ball very hard and compact21. Interestingly, the featherie also had excellent flight characteristics as information technology could reach a distance of upward to 175 yards22; although the longest recorded distance is more than 361 yards.23 But it besides had a quite a few weaknesses.

oldest golf ball in history

Photo Credit: "A Gourlay" to The Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum

Despite its outstanding flight characteristics, the featherie was more or less useless when it got moisture. Ballmakers tried to "prepare" the issue by rubbing it with
neatsfoot oil and similar substances but this achieved merely a limited success.24 Also, the featherie could easily be cut if striking with an iron order at an awkward bending. Another major problem of the feather ball was the fact that the manufacturing process was very fourth dimension-consuming and plush. Even the best ballmakers could make a maximum of four featheries a day. Unsurprisingly, this made them very expensive25; even more expensive than golf clubs. Also, the repeated force per unit area against the breast and inhalation of the feathers fabricated stuffing and stitching of featheries a rather unsafe craft, as well-nigh ballmakers died at a young age.26 27

It remains unknown who succeeded James Melvill equally the majestic ballmaker after his 21-year long monopoly expired merely the right to make golf balls was before long thereafter too granted to John Dickson by the town council of Aberdeen. Their example was soon followed by other town councils, giving rise to several brawl-making "dynasties": Robertsons, Hutchisons and Forgans, to mention only a few. However, the well-nigh desirable featheries were fabricated past the Gourlays. Due to the superior quality, "a Gourlay" eventually came to exist understood as a synonym for "the finest featherie money could buy."28

By the terminate of the 18th century, the featherie became more than or less standardised. Information technology was on average i ½ inches in diameter and weighted about 1.4 ounces (39.7 grams) to 1.6 ounces (45.4 grams) which largely corresponds to the size and weight of a mod golf ball. It was typically also treated with chalk or some
sort of white pigment to increment its visibility. However, even the all-time ballmakers of the time couldn't make information technology perfectly round.29 They also put in a lot of endeavour into making it as smoothen as possible, convincing themselves that it would make information technology fly further. Simply every bit it would later turn out, this had the opposite upshot of that intended.

Gutta Percha Ball (The Guttie)

In the mid-19th century, almost people could just dream of playing golf. There were at the fourth dimension fewer than 20 golf game clubs around the world, with just three being outside Scotland. Just that was not the but thing that prevented most people from playing golf. The loftier toll of golf essentials, especially of golf game assurance, made the game pretty much inaccessible to ordinary people.31 Simply that was before long about to modify.

The invention of the golf brawl that was almost to trigger a revolution is traditionally attributed to the Scottish divinity student Robert Adam Paterson (1829-1904). Some authors,32 however, have questioned the story nigh a poor golf enthusiast who is looking for means to be able to enjoy the game, which would eventually lead to the invention of the gutta percha ball or the guttie.33 The widely accepted story goes, that i fine solar day in 1843, Paterson'due south begetter received a parcel that contained a statue of Vishnu which was protected by shavings of gutta percha. Young Paterson played with the blackish-chocolate-brown fabric of aforementioned name Malaya tree until he one mean solar day rolled it into a brawl. It didn't take long for him to find it a purpose. He painted information technology white and tried information technology out in the herbage of the St. Andrews Old Form. After a few strokes, however, Paterson's gutta percha ball fell apart. Not willing to surrender simply yet, he made more than balls and tried again. But the balls disintegrated very quickly this time equally well.34

Photo Credit: "Gutta Percha (Smooth)" to The British Golf Museum

When young Paterson completed his studies, he emigrated to America. Only before he left, he told his blood brother almost his gutta percha "experiment" who thought it was worth giving it another try. And he did. In 1846, he sent the improved version in London but there was almost no involvement in the novel golf game brawl. Little by piddling, however, the guttie was taken upwards past a growing number of golfers and by the early on 1860s, the featherie practically became "extinct".35

There are several reasons why the gutta percha ball replaced the featherie which was the standard for more than 300 years. Cheaper production and consequently, lower cost (upwardly to 80 per cent!) are definitely among the main reasons for the success of the guttie.36 Equally important, its operation wasn't in any fashion inferior to that of the featherie. In fact, it could fly fifty-fifty farther than its costly counterpart, reaching distances of upward to 246 yards. Also, it lasted longer and was less vulnerable to moisture, which was a huge advantage over the featherie, especially in the moisture British climate.37 For obvious reasons, the old ballmaking "dynasties" initially resisted the change but when they realised the result information technology had on the game and that the decrease of profits due to the lower cost of the guttie tin be compensated by increased product, they accustomed the new reality.38 Even the guttie's fiercest opponent, Allan Robertson of St. Andrews (1815-1859) changed his viewpoint when he figured out that he could make as many gutties in an 60 minutes as he could make featheries in an entire 24-hour interval.39

Photo Credit: "Allan Robertson" to World Golf Hall of Fame and Museum

The guttie sparked a revolution in golf game. Past making the game more affordable, especially after the mechanisation of its manufacture in the early 1870s40, the guttie transformed golf from a sport of the elites to the sport of the masses. Golf suddenly became extremely affordable not just for tradesmen and artisans but fifty-fifty for college students. The increased interest in the game led to the development of new golf game courses, creation of new golf game clubs and an increased product of golf game balls as well as other pieces of equipment in gild to meet the growing demand.41 And what is perhaps even more important, the guttie helped transform golf from a British leisure activity to an international sport.42

Information technology wasn't just the low cost of the guttie that triggered the "golf boom" in the second one-half of the 19th century. The new golf brawl likewise made it easier to learn to play the game43. In addition to flying further than the featherie, the guttie was likewise easier to control both in the air and on the green.44 However, the guttie had its disadvantages besides. Compared to the featherie, information technology was considerably more durable simply according to today's standards, it still disintegrated relatively fast.45 And whilst existence resistant to moisture, it wasn't resistant to cold weather. In low temperatures, information technology vicious apart very easily. Likewise, information technology didn't perform well in extremely loftier temperatures and when compared to the featherie, the guttie didn't but felt harsh and rigid, it likewise sounded harsh when hit with a club.46 Despite its "flaws", the guttie was the ball of selection from the mid-19th to the early 20th century effectually the earth.

Rubber-Wound Golf game Ball

On 11th April 1899, the American businessman and inventor Coburn Haskell (1868-1922) got a (joint) patent from the United States Patent Role for the condom-wound brawl47 which would presently pb to another revolution in golf game. Widely regarded every bit the outset modern golf brawl, Haskell'south ball was fabricated of a solid rubber-wound core that was covered by guttapercha. But the thing that ensured information technology fabricated it to become the next brawl of choice was its performance; bringing control and feel to a whole new level. In addition, it was exceptionally forgiving to mishits48 and flew over 20 yards further than the 100% gutta percha ball. When ballmakers adopted the dimple design (golf ball pattern featuring indentations or depressions on the surface), which was patented by the Englishman William Taylor in 190849, the rubberwound ball achieved even greater distances.50

Photo Credit: "Haskell Golf Ball" to The British Golf Museum

Just similar the invention of the gutta percha ball, the invention of the rubber-wound golf game ball is kind of romanticised.51 The narrative goes that Haskell, while waiting to be received by Bertram Work at the Goodrich found, started playing with a fleck of rubber thread. He rolled information technology into a ball and bounced it to the floor. To his surprise, the ball bounced dorsum all the manner to the ceiling. Haskell shared his "discovery" with Work and that is how the idea of a safe-wound golf ball was born. When it comes to the most commonly accepted story anyway because co-ordinate to Hotchkiss, there are at least iv different versions of Haskell's ground-breaking invention.53

In 1901, Haskell founded the Haskell Golf Ball Visitor and launched the manufacture of the rubberwound ball. Later that year, his ball "helped" Walter Travis (1861-1927) win the U.South. Apprentice and become the offset golf player to win a Major using the novel golf brawl. Haskell's brawl was also taken up past Sandy Herd (1868-1944) and Laurie Auchterlonie (1867-1948), the winner of the 1902 Open Championship and 1902 U.S. Open, respectively, which convinced most of their fellow players to follow their instance.54 Except for the British who establish the Haskell ball "unsporting".55 The British had a point when it comes to several things, however, a new revolution was already on the mode and it could no longer be halted. Only there was still plenty of room left for improvement which is exactly what the leading ballmakers were trying to practise over the adjacent decades.56

dimple design in the history of golf balls

William Taylor-Patented "Dimple Pattern" (Us Patent Office)

The dimple pattern was the commencement major improvement of the Haskell, and a big step in the history of golf balls and their blueprint. Compared to the previously dominating bramble pattern (golf ball pattern featuring pimples or brambles), golf balls with the 1908- patented Taylor dimple pattern flew much further. With the exception of a few "experiment" mesh and lattice patterns, all golf assurance had the exact aforementioned dimple design known as the Atti Pattern until the early 1970s. Only then the ballmakers started to question the aerodynamics of Ralph Atti'due south octahedron dimples covering 66 percentage of the ball.57 In the meanwhile, the majority of golf brawl manufacturers
rather focused on finding the perfect core.

In the same yr when Taylor was granted the patent for the dimple blueprint, the Scottish inventor Frank H. Mingay was granted the patent for a liquid core golf game ball by the United States Patent Office.58 The leading ballmakers of the time including Spalding liked the idea of a liquid-core brawl and for much of the
20th century, they were preoccupied with finding the perfect textile/substance for "a solid although mobile core"59; although some too experimented with solid materials.60 Almost naught was off limits as the list of materials they experimented with also included things such as castor oil, mercury, love and even wine. In 1910, Haskell's friend and golfing companion George Worthington created and patented what he chosen the Radio ball. Its name was inspired by its "magic" ingredient which was believe it or not, radium.61

There was patently nothing magical about radium. Other materials that were experimented with didn't make much difference either. Thus the quest for the perfect core material continued throughout much of the rest of the history of golf game assurance. Meanwhile, Haskell sold both his visitor and patent to the Spalding Company and retired every bit a very wealthy human being.62

Modern Golf Ball

Fifty-fifty though the Haskell's condom-wound cadre ball is traditionally regarded as the beginning modern golf ball, the origins of the ball that is used past today's pros and amateurs akin dates from the 1960s. At that time, an American chemical engineer named James R. Bartsch (1933-1991) entered the golf ballmaking business only to find out that he was non going to succeed unless he finds a mode to reduce the cost of the materials and labour. He started to experiment with various synthetic materials and refused to surrender until he plant the perfect formula. Bartsch's ball, however, wasn't only more than twice less expensive to produce63 simply information technology also re-introduced the concept of a solid-moulded ball.

In 1963, Bartsch filled for a patent, but by the fourth dimension he finally got information technology in 196764, Spalding had a one-piece ball of its own – the Unicore. Shortly thereafter, Spalding also launched the Executive. Too becoming the commencement i-slice brawl since the guttie, Spalding's one-piece ball was also superior to the Bartsch's analogue. In the same year, Ram launched the start golf ball featuring DuPont-produced Surlyn ionomer resin cover which would eventually became the most pop golf ball embrace.65 All, however, just helped set the stage for a truly revolutionary golf ball that was introduced by Spalding in 1972: the
two-piece Top-Flite which, equally Hotchkiss noted,66 turned out to be the golf brawl of the future.

history of golf balls design

"Bartsch Golf Ball" (United States Patent Office)

Featuring the Surlyn comprehend, the Top Flite wasn't merely incomparably more durable than the Bartsch'southward single-slice ball but information technology as well addressed every golfer's dream: distance. Its overall operation, even so, wasn't on par with that of the balatawound rubber core and therefore, most professionals refused to switch to the novel ball.67 This would alter only later Tiger Woods won The 2000 Open Championship playing with Nike solid construction ball called the Bout Accurateness.68 In the very same year, Titleist too launched the ProV1 three-piece multilayer ball which became an instant success. As soon equally it was introduced to the Tour in Las Vegas in October 2000, as many as 47 pros decided to switch to the ProV169. And it didn't accept long for amateurs to follow in their footsteps.

The golf game ball market continues to be dominated by the Titleist ProV1 and Titleist 4-piece version ProV1x golf game balls, which made their manufacturer an absolute winner of the 1990s "Golf Ball War".lxx However, Titleist's over 15-year old "reign" didn't scare abroad other ballmakers. Golfers can thus today cull from more 1,000 golf assurance (excluding those that are not on the USGA and R&A Conforming Ball List)71 designed to provide more control, achieve greater distances, increased durability, optimal spin, etc. and ultimately, make the game more than enjoyable while helping golfers better their score.

A Glance into the Futurity

Photograph Credit: "Titleist ProV1" listed on Golf Back up

You probably have a good understanding of the history of golf game balls by now, and then it may be interesting to take a glance into the future likewise. Considering the domination of the Titleist Pro V1 and V1x over the terminal fifteen years, information technology has become hard to imagine other brands dominating the market place; not any time soon, anyhow. But we mustn't forget that domination of this kind is not new in the globe of golf game balls. Beyond the history of golf balls, and particularly during the era of the featheries, ballmaking was in the domain of only a few families for generations. And when the guttie hit the market, they just switched to making the gutta percha. Simply after F1the mechanisation of the guttie industry, large condom companies joined the ballmaking industry and slowly took over the dominating position of the former ballmaking "dynasties". Only for the end user – the golfer, the essence remained unchanged. He or she could choose between golf balls from a handful of major brands which didn't really take any serious competition for much of the 20th century.

Terminal but not the to the lowest degree important, nosotros mustn't forget the fact that golf game is a game that keeps on growing and evolving. And with information technology, golf essentials– including the golf ball – continues to evolve as well. Maybe another major revolution may already be on its mode, but we just don't know information technology yet.


(1) Malcolm Campbell and Glyn Satterley, The Scottish Golf Book (Champaign: Lomond Books, 2002), 14.

(2) Bill Mallon and Randon Jerris, Historical Lexicon of Golf (Lanham: Scarecrow Printing, 2011), 217.

(3) John F. Hotchkiss, 500 Years of Golf Balls: History & Collector's Guide (Iowa: Antique Trader Books, 1997), 12.

(4) Mallon, 217.

(5) David Arscott Golf game, A Very Peculiar History (Brighton: Book House, 2010), 11.

(6) Mallon, 217.

(vii) Campbell, fourteen.

(viii) Mallon, 217.

(nine) Hotchkiss, 13.

(10) Campbell, fifteen.

(11) Mallon, 217.

(12) "Acts of Parliament banning golf game", National Library of Scotland, accessed August 3, 2016. action.html.

(13) "The Royal and Ancient Game", British Golf Museum, accessed August 3, 2016.

(14) Hotchkiss, 13.

(15) Campbell, 17.

(xvi) Colin White, Projectile Dynamics in Sport: Principles and Applications (Abingdon: Routledge, 2011), 187.

(17) Paul Donnelley, Firsts, Lasts & Onlys of Golf game: Presenting the virtually amazing golf facts from the concluding 600 years (London: Hamlyn, 2010), Kindle Edition.

(18) Hotchkiss, 13

(19) Ibid.

(20) Campbell, 17.

(21) Hotchkiss, 13, 14.

(22) White, 187.

(23) Hotchkiss, 16.

(24) Ibid, 14.

(25) Ibid , xv, sixteen.

(26) Campbell , 17.

(27) Hotchkiss, 16.

(28) Ibid, 15.

(29) Ibid, 15, 16.

(30) White, 187.

(31) DK, The Golf Book (London: DK, 2008), 19.

(32) Harry Brown, Golf Ball (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, London 2015), xix.

(33) Golf game Ball Inventor Dead, The New York Times, accessed August 3, 2016,

(34) Hotchkiss, 17, xviii.

(35) Ibid, 18-twenty.

(36) Brownish, 20.

(37) White, 188.

(38) Brownish, 21.

(39) Hotchkiss, 22.

(xl) Hotchkiss, 229.

(41) Ibid, 22.

(42) Brown, 21.

(43) Hotchkiss, 22.

(44) Dark-brown, twenty.

(45) Leon Z. Seltzer, Golf: The Science and Art (Mustang: Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2007), 38.

(46) Hotchkiss, 22.

(47) Bertram G. Work, and Coburn Haskell, "Ball," U.S. Patent 622,834 filed August 9, 1898, and issued April 11, 1899.

(48) Tim Harris, "Coburn Haskell" in Players: 250 Men, Women and Animals Who Created Mod Sport (London: Yellowish Jersey, 2009), Kindle Edition.

(49) William Taylor, "Golf Ball," U.S. Patent 878,254 filed September xi, 1906, and issued February 1908.

(l) White, 50.

(51) Brown, twenty.

(52) Harris, Players: 250 Men, Women and Animals.

(53) Hotchkiss, 29.

(54) Donnelley, Firsts, Lasts & Onlys of Golf.

(55) Hotchkiss, 35.

(56) Selzer, 39.

(57) Hotchkiss, 119.

(58) Frank H. Mingay, "Golf Ball," U.Southward. Patent 889,709 filed Apr 7, 1908, and issued June 2, 1908.

(59) Hotchkiss, 46.

(60) Selzer, 39.

(61) Hotchkiss, 52, 53.

(62) Harris, Players: 250 Men, Women and Animals.

(63) Hotchkiss, 86-92.

(64) James R. Bartsch, "Unitary Molded Golf game Ball," U.Due south. Patent iii,313,545 filed September 12, 1963, and issued April 11, 1967.

(65) Hotchkiss, 85, 108-109.

(66) Ibid, 122.

(67) Ibid, 113-114.

(68) "Tiger Woods gives his insight on golf game equipment", Golfweek, last modified August 20, 2014.

(69) Jonathan Wall, "The evolution of Titleist's Pro V1," PGA Tour, last modified September half dozen, 2013.

(seventy) John Holmes, "New crop of golf balls blossoms in twelvemonth without ProV1 launch" PGA http://world wide

(71) "Conforming Golf game List USGA", USGA, accessed August 4, 2016.


"Acts of Parliament banning golf game." National Library of Scotland. Accessed Baronial 3, 2016.

"A Gourlay." Photograph. Source: The Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum. britain/.

"Allan Robertson." Photograph. Source: Globe Golf game of Fame & Museum.

Arscott, David. Golf, A Very Peculiar History. Brighton: Volume House, 2010.

Bartsch, James R. "Unitary Molded Golf game Ball." U.S. Patent 3,313,545 filed September 12, 1963, and
issued Apr eleven, 1967.

"Bartsch Golf Ball." Illustration. Source: U.s. Patent Office. Bachelor from

Campbell, Malcolm and Glyn Satterley. The Scottish Golf Volume. Champaign: Lomond Books, 2002.

"Conforming Golf Listing USGA." USGA. Accessed August 4, 2016.

"Dimple Pattern." Illustration. Source: The states Patent Office. Bachelor from .

DK. The Golf Book. London: DK, 2008.

Donnelley, Paul. Firsts, Lasts & Onlys of Golf: Presenting the nearly amazing golf game facts from the concluding 600
. London: Hamlyn, 2010.

"Golf Brawl Inventor Dead." The New York Times. Accessed August 3, 2016.

"Gutta Percha (Smooth)." Photograph. Source: The British Golf Museum. britain/.

Harris, Tim. "Coburn Haskell" in Players: 250 Men, Women and Animals Who Created Modernistic Sport, Coburn Haskell. London: Yellow Bailiwick of jersey, 2009.

"Haskell Golf Brawl." Photograph. Source: The British Golf Museum. http://world wide

Holmes, John. "New ingather of golf balls blossoms in year without ProV1 launch." PGA. Last modified
January 27, 2016. http://world wide game-buzz/new-crop-golf-ballsblossoms-in-year-without-prov1-launch.

Hotchkiss, John F. 500 Years of Golf game Balls: History & Collector's Guide. Iowa: Antique Trader Books, 1997.

Mallon, Pecker and Randon Jerris. Historical Dictionary of Golf game. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2011.

Mingay, Frank H. "Golf Ball." U.S. Patent 889,709 filed April seven, 1908, and issued June ii, 1908.

Seltzer, Leon Z. Golf: The Scientific discipline and Art. Mustang: Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2007.

Taylor, William. "Golf game Brawl." U.S. Patent 878,254 filed September eleven, 1906, and issued February 1908.

"The Royal and Aboriginal Game." British Golf game Museum. Accessed August 3, 2016.

"Tiger Woods gives his insight on golf game equipment." Golfweek. Last modified August 20, 2014. game-equipment-nike-golf-irons/.

"Titleist ProV1." Photo. Source. GolfSupport.

Wall, Jonathan. "The evolution of Titleist's Pro V1." PGA Bout. Last modified September half-dozen, 2013.

White, Colin. Projectile Dynamics in Sport: Principles and Applications. Abingdon: Routledge, 2011.

Work, Bertram Chiliad., and Coburn Haskell. "Brawl." U.S. Patent 622,834, filed August 9, 1898, and issued Apr
11, 1899.


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